The School began its remarkable life in November 26, 1945 under the name of Vilnius 10-year music school. In 1957 it was renamed as Vilnius special music school. For five years beginning from 1960 it was called Vilnius secondary boarding school of art. Since 1965 the School has been carrying M.KČiurlionis name.
In 1986 the School went under some reorganization - the department of choreography started functioning as Vilnius Ballet School. From 1994 to 2001 the School was called the Vilnius Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis art gymnasium. In 2001 the Minister of Education and Science reorganized the Vilnius Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis art gymnasium and Vilnius Ballet School to form the National M.KČiurlionis School of Art.
The School consists of five educational departments - the four of them comprising full-time studies divisions:
Keeping abreast with the implementation of educational mission there are some other administrative units:
Centre for Gifted Children There also are other opportunities for both extra-curriculum and cultural activities such as